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President, Jessica (Burr) Lemaire


Jessica Lemaire, who goes by Burr lives in Nome Alaska with her husband Tim Lemaire. Burr and Tim own a small kennel about 13 miles outside of Nome. Both Tim and Jessica were born and raised in Nevada before moving to Alaska, 7 years ago. Their kennel is named the Comstock Kennel after the Comstock Lode, the first major discovery of silver ore in the united states, discovered in Nevada in the 1800's. Burr loves spending time with her dogs, and running them recreationally. 


When not hanging out with her dogs Burr really gets into birding, and pack rafting. 





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Vice President, Sarah Richards


Bio Coming Soon!



Secretary, Diana Haecker


Diana Haecker was born and raised in Germany, and relocated first to Hawaii in 1996 and then to Alaska in 2002. She has a Masters degree in Japanology, Politics and American History and has been a reporter for 30 years. She is the editor of Alaska's oldest newspaper, The Nugget Newspaper, and she is also the owner of Mushing Magazine.


Diana lives outside of Nome with her husband, Nils, and their teenage daughter, Lizzy. They own and operate an active sled dog kennel. Nils came to the Great Land for the sole purpose of mushing and has finished the Iditarod four times, ran the Kuskokwim 300, Kobuk 440, Arctic Circle Championships, Fur Rondy and many other races in the state.




Treasurer, Wendy Nitta


Bio coming soon!

Member, Aaron Burmeister


Bio Coming Soon!

Nome, Alaska

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