(A) Annual membership fees are as follows:
1. $25 for a single individual membership.
2. $30 for a married couple.
3. $35 for a family membership.
4. $5 for a junior membership for a person between the ages of twelve and seventeen.
5. $50 for a business sponsorship.
(B) Annual membership runs from January 1 through December 31 or each year. Membership fees shall not be pro-rated.
(C) Charter memberships. A person may become a charter member by paying the annual membership fee by the time of the first annual meeting. Business sponsors shall not be charter members.
(D) Voting membership. The qualifications for voting membership are as follows:
1. A person must have paid the appropriate annual membership fee at least thirty days before the annual meeting,
2. Be eighteen years of age or older, and
3. Be present at the annual meeting.
(E) Junior memberships. The qualifications for junior memberships are payment of the annual junior membership fees by the time of the annual meeting. Junior
membership fees, including $5.00 of each family membership fee, will be allocated to the use of the junior members of the Nome Kennel Club.
(F) Business sponsorship. The qualification for business sponsorship is the payment of the annual sponsorship fee. The sponsorship is good until January 1 of the following year.
(G) Honorary membership. Honorary memberships shall be issued by a majority of
the Board of Directors upon their determination that such an issuance would benefit the Nome Kennel Club. Such honorary memberships include posthumous recognition of people who have made significant contribution to dog mushing.
(A) Meeting of members shall be held in Nome, Alaska.
(B) The annual meeting of members shall be held in the months of November or December of each year. Notice of the annual meeting shall be given in writing to all members of the Nome Kennel Club who are eligible to vote at the annual meeting. Notice shall be given by way of first class mail sent to the last known mailing address. Notice of the annual meeting shall also be given to the public at large. Notice to the public shall be given by the method or methods most likely to reach the largest number of people. Notice of the annual meeting shall be given to the members and the public at least three weeks prior to the scheduled meeting.
(C) Special meetings of the members may be called by the President, the Board of Directors, or by any three members of the Board of Directors. Special meetings may also be called by members having one twentieth of the number or votes entitled to be cast at the meeting.
(A) Only voting members, as defined by by-law I, shall have a vote.
(B) There shall be no right to cumulative voting.
(A) Members holding one-tenth of the votes entitled to be cast, represented in person, constitute a quorum at a meeting of members.
(B) If a quorum is present, the affirmative vote of a majority of the votes is sufficient to enact a measure.
The Directors of the Corporation must: (1) be members of the Nome Kennel Club who are eligible to vote; (2) have established, at least thirty days prior to the election for board members, Nome, Alaska as their primary mailing address.
The number of the Directors of the Corporation shall be live (5).
(A) The first Board of Directors shall hold office until the first annual meeting.
(B) Each seat on the Board of Directors is a separate seat and shall be designated as A,B,C,D, and E respectively. The directors shall be elected to a particular seat. The terms of office of those members of the Board holding seats, A,B, and C shall be two (2) years and the terms of office or those members of the Board holding seats D, and E shall be three(3) years.
(A) All meetings of the Board of Directors shall be held in Nome.
(B) Regular meetings of the Board of Directors shall be held at a time to be determined by the president of the Board of Directors.
(C) Regular meetings of the Board of Directors shall be held without notice, however a written schedule of the regularly scheduled meetings for the coming year shall be provided by the president of the Board to the membership and public at the annual meeting. The notice shall give the time and place of the regularly scheduled meetings.
(D) Special meetings shall be held upon twenty-four hour (24) hours of written notice.
(E) Presence at a meeting constitutes waiver of notice unless such appearance is for purposes of protest.
(F) Notice may be waived after the fact.
(G) Written notice need not specify the business to be conducted.
(H) Special meetings may be called by the President of the Board of Directors, by the Board of Directors, or by any two members of the Board of Directors.
A director shall forfeit his or her seat on the Board of Directors if he or she has three (3) unexcused absences from regular monthly meetings in any six (6) month period. The Board shall be notified in advance if a person is to be excused from attendance.
(A) The officers shall be elected by the Board of Directors from the Board of Directors after the first annual meeting.
(B) There shall be a President, first vice-President, second vice-President, Secretary and a Treasurer.
(C) The Board of Directors may appoint other officers and agents or committees in its sole discretion.
Officers and agents of the Corporation may be removed by the Board of Directors at its discretion.